Thursday, April 23, 2009

back to the blog

Every once and a while I get inspired to write about myself. Maybe it's vanity. Maybe it's the possibility that someone out there in cyberspace might actually be interested. Maybe I'm feeling creative. Usually these thoughts are ignored, but sometimes I decide to actually do something about it. Like now, for example. Also, this is a super easy way for you all to keep in touch with me/figure out where the heck I am since I tend to puddle jump pretty often.

Right now I'm in North Carolina, where I have been since January, and will be until May 11. Then I'm off to Beverly Hills for the summer---yes, THAT Beverly Hills. Maybe I'll meet Zac Efron. I'll be working at Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church completing the intern portion of my Lilly Fellowship.

So I'm back to blogging, at least for awhile. I tend to give up on these things pretty easily, but I recently read that one great thing to do when you are in college is keep a blog because maybe you'll become super-successful like the people who made Stuff White People Like ( you haven't read it, go now!) or learn some writing skills or get noticed or something. Yeah, so I probably won't be making millions from my writing, especially since I'm bound to have maybe 5 people read this if I'm lucky. Still, what's not to love about a completely public diary?

So, happy greek week everyone, and happy spring frolics. and congrats to steph for going to the nba. and happy 21st andy!

That's all I've got for now... :)